lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2019

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

English Week 2019

The first week of April was very special for the whole school and, of course, for the 
English Department: we celebrated the English Week!
This year we have had the collaboration of  many families and specialists, who have given us their time to teach us many new things 
about English and its culture: concerts, stories, dances, plays, songs, sports ...

All the levels of the center enjoyed the activities, being a great success for all of us.
From the English Department we want to thank all the families and collaborators, as well as our children and teachers for the great effort made during the English Week: without you it would not be possible!

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019

Are you prepared for the English Week?

This year, the English Week will take place on the first week of April (1st to 5th April 2019). As you know, the school offers to the families the possibility of participating, creating activities related to English (as music, theatre, dance, etc.)

If you have any suggestion, please, send an e-mail to

Thank you very much!

martes, 29 de enero de 2019

Our English "espais"

This year we are working it different English “espais”: Gourmets (P4 and P5), The Market (1st, 2nd and 3rd year) and Death on the Nile (4th, 5th and 6th year).

In “Gourmets” the kids play different roles, imagining that they are in a restaurant. They “cook”, ask for and “eat” their meals, enjoying a nice English environment.

In “The Market” they are in a supermarket doing things that we normally do there…  buy, ask for products, look at the labels, calculate and pay the products… all in English.

In “Death on the Nile”, the kids learn how the Ancient Egyptians mummified. We learn about the techniques and the symbology in Egyptian religion. We make coffins and wrap mummies, and we write with hieroglyphs and different spells to protect a person.