viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

A different Monday!

On Monday we had a very busy busy day. Daniel, a student from Virginia University, came to 6è class to talk about Pop Classic Music, we all finished singing the songs!

In the afternoon, Raul's father, Rafael, taught us how to make videogames and we could play the game! Great!!

Meanwhile Albert, Isabel Montañés' son, was playing baseball with the 5è class. All in English, of course!! Good Job! 

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

Yummy Yummy Day!

Thanks to Richard Browning for his amazing activities!

In P5 we decorated cupcakes and in P4 was the turn for funny cookies! 

Here you have some pictures, yummy!!

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Americans visit

Hello families!
Here you have the pictures of the American students, it was very interesting.
Thanks to them all!

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015


Let's start!!!

Hello families! Our English Week has just begun. 

Last Friday some American students visited our school. We had great fun: from p4 to 6è we did different activities like storytelling for the little ones to American culture lectures for the older. 

We all enjoyed these workshops and we are waiting for many more this week! 

We'll let you know!