martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Little Red Riding Hood visits P4 and P5!

Children in P4 and P5 have seen  Theatre in English.
Little Red has saved Granny from the Wolf!

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Hello again !!!
Today the girls and boys  from 6è. have watched a theatre play called DRACULA
We have worked in this project  for a week and we have learned many things from the writer and the novel  and... the small little town where he wrote it... many ,many years ago.!!!!


It's been really good.
Four actors have performed in front of us  the "Dracula musical ".
We have been watching  how they sang and danced  all the way through the story ....GREAT
.....and only for US!!!!!! 

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013



Els alumnes de la comunitat de mitjans (1r., 2n. i 3r) hem vist l'obra de teatre ROBIN HOOD.

We have enjoyed very much!!!!!

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013


ELS NOIS I NOIES DE 4RT. I 5È. DE PRIMÀRIA DE L'ESCOLA HEM VIST UNA OBRA DE TEATRE EN ANGLÈS. Today, I.P.A. Producctions have come to our school to do a theatre play called "Frankeinstein " . We have enjoyed it very much , it's been very funny and we have understood all the play because we have been working in this project for a week. First of all, we watched the classic film in black and white and then we started working in different aspects of the film... the settings, the characters , the story ...It's been very interesting!! WE KNOW A LOT OF THINGS ABOUT THE DOCTOR AND HIS MONSTER!!!!